The Other Side Of Perfect

Jenny Best talks mom guilt, trusting your instincts, a solid start to weaning, preventing and reversing picky eating

April 04, 2023 Jenny Best Season 4 Episode 2

On today’s show I’m honored to have the founder of Solid Starts Jenny Best who is not only a baby-led weaning expert, she’s also a food and farming enthusiast on a mission to make it easier for families to introduce real food to their babies. I really wanted to include an episode covering everything you need to know when it comes to starting solids, which can be both an exciting and nerve-wracking phase of parenthood.  We did baby-led weaning alongside exclusively breastfeeding and I have to say it has been a really fantastic combination that worked for our family, and as a result, I’m eager to share more on the topic. Jenny is also a mother of 3 including a severe picky eater and twin toddlers and has openly shared her own vulnerable journey as a family navigating everything from reversing picky eating to dealing with the frightening world of allergies and the juggle that is being an extremely successful business woman and mother. Prior to launching Solid Starts Jenny led global communications at One Acre Fund and Slow Food USA, and was also a professional ballerina with the NYC ballet. 

For those of you who may not be familiar, Solid Starts is a team of pediatric feeding experts and doctors and an incredibly invaluable database that has a loyal community of over 2.5 million. We have found their resources absolutely invaluable, whether it’s searching for certain foods, how and when to introduce them to River or dealing with the likes of allergies and constipation. I hope this conversation will be useful, whether you’re pregnant and intrigued by baby-led weaning, starting out on your own solids journey, or aiming to prevent or reverse picky eating.